Shelly Fry Photography

What I’m looking At/My addiction

What I’m Looking At

I never, ever, never get tired of the beauty of the NW – I still notice the snow capped mountains with a thrill, I love the lush greenness, the explosion of color brought on by Spring.  I love the way the rivers rise and fall with the rains and I love the trees! 

One of my favorite places is Lewisville Park – I probably average a visit about 3 times a week.  It is full of gorgeous trees but these three are probably my favorite.  We have had two strong wind storms here in the past few months and every time this park looses a few trees and I hold my breath fearing that one of these will go down someday…

This space with those three trees is how I picture Heaven…Only there will be some cool fuzzy animals strolling through and a table full of chocolate covered strawberries!

My Addiction
This 365 Project has opened up a new community to me on Instagram.  I love the inspiration from other photographers out there and how they interpret each days prompts.  One person posted a truly amazing picture of a cigarette butt (I know that sounds weird but it really was a cool shot!) A very honest picture about her addiction to cigarettes and her plan to kick the habit.

I chose a safer addiction to focus on…
While honestly until yesterday I hadn’t had a tootsie roll in a long time (now I’ve had half a bags worth…) there is a reason I don’t keep them around…

When I was in high school I had a boyfriend who would leave a small brown lunch bag full of tootsie rolls in my locker on a regular basis – and I would happily chow them down…

As I contemplated what {my addiction} shot would be I knew pretty quickly it would involve chocolate in some form…Although I’m really not sure a tootsie roll is chocolate…

Chocolate covered strawberries {my addiction} came to mind, or just buying a bunch of chocolate also {my addiction} and unwrapping it all, piling it up and taking a picture…But then I had visions of myself eating the entire pile and that scared me a bit…

I could have taken a picture of Chai – definitely {my addiction}… But I’ve already taken the chai mug shot a time or two…

But the truth is I went to the grocery store to look for chocolate – I saw the bag of tootsie rolls and had the perfect excuse to buy them!

I’m also addicted to travel, adventure, books, the outdoors, and photography…All of which go together nicely!!!

Having said all that my true #1 addiction is travel!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
This is a picture of me on a ferry on the Mediterranean Sea heading to Africa…One of the most exciting moments of my travel life! Camera in hand and ready to explore…

Explore this weekend! The sun is shinning get out there and enjoy!!


Next up:  Salty, Something I’m proud of and feet.
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