Shelly Fry Photography

Newsletter – Shelly Fry Photography {Brush Prairie, WA}

Shelly Fry Photography Newsletter – SFPNews

Do you enjoy reading newsletters? 

Admittedly, I am very, very selective about who I give my email address to voluntarily. I hate getting bombarded with emails that I know I will never read. Hitting the unsubscribe button is something I do often. Especially when I am constantly getting emails (daily) from the same location. Who can keep up with it?

Shelly Fry Photography Newsletter

Why sign up for this newsletter?

The newsletters I do read are the ones that come from someone I have a connection to. Sometimes I’m connected because I’ve done business with them. Or we have a shared interest or two, and I enjoy hearing about those topics. 

I began writing a monthly newsletter around 5 years ago. Once a month, I sit down and write a recap of what has been happening with SFP as well as some personal tidbits. The basic format of each month’s newsletter includes an overall recap of the month before. I feature sessions that I have worked on the previous month, and I always include book reviews. I enjoy sharing my passions. My passions include photography, reading, traveling, and gardening. 

I keep it short and simple. The goal is to inform and stay connected to those who are interested in my business. 

I solemnly promise I will never bombard your inbox with weekly emails. I have found committing to a once-per-week blog post (that’s what this is) and then a once-per-month Newsletter is already pushing my limits! 

Are you interested? The next newsletter will hit inboxes April 1st (no joke). If you’d like to sign up and stay connected to what is happening around here, click this link

A quick recap. Sign up for this newsletter if you enjoy any or all of the following –

1 Beautiful photographs

2. Reading – quick reviews of some of my favorite books, as well as a list of what I read the month before

3. Travel, gardening, etc. – Do we share an interest in some area?

If the answer is yes to any of those, click the link above and get yourself signed up in time for next month’s edition. 

Your friend, 


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