Shelly Fry Photography

10 reasons why I feel like I just had a baby

The similarities are startling to me! Here are 10 things I have come to realize in my first week of being a “new mom”

1. Sleep deprivation – yep it’s real! I keep telling myself it won’t last as long as it did with my kids but right now I just want to sleep through the night!

2. Poop – Diapers are a very, very good idea!

3. Feeding – when its time for food, just like babies, she is frantic until she gets it!

4. Crying – tough love? Let her sleep in the bed with you (not gonna happen) let her scream in her kennel aka crib until she is quiet or cave?

5. Puppy sitting – Since kenneling has been a bit of a process I have had to have someone here in order to get somethings done! Thanks Nana!

6. Leaving the house – I seriously need a puppy diaper bag!

7. Getting ready – in the morning with a puppy locked in the bathroom with you who is crying and whining takes me back to the days when I had my babies in there with me as I hurried to get ready – the only difference is the boys didn’t chew on the rugs, curling iron cord, shower door, or the clothes I’m trying to put on…

8. Holding hands – or leash, needing to be constantly connected to pup when out and about so she doesn’t get lost or squished.

9. Clean Floors/Dirty Floors – Like my little ones EVERYTHING goes into her mouth! However, even with thorough wipe downs after every outing (and there are so many a day! ) my floors are filthy… Because, have you ever tried sweeping with a puppy?

10. Nap Times – Are glorious!





Now that I’m a business owner I have certain “obligations”  😀  There are various events through out the year in Battle Ground that involve the various merchants on Main St. And while I am not on Main Street (one street north) I am still wanting to be part of the community. This past weekend the merchants along Main all participated in Trick or Treating late Friday afternoon. I had a blast standing on the corner next to my sign handing out candy and business cards but man do you go through a lot of candy! That is expensive!! But it was so fun watching a the little princesses and policemen and fuzzy tigers going by! 😉


Dressed Up



I just didn’t get a single picture of anyone dressed up today. It was a crazy busy day which involved going to church, packing up TWO PUPPIES and driving four hours, then visiting and eating with family before heading out into the pouring rain to watch our son’s final soccer game of the season. I did get pictures of the boys with their new family member 😛


What I’m Thankful For



I have many reasons to be thankful! But right now {what I’m thankful for} is for the families that ask me to take pictures for them! I am so blessed to have the opportunity to have my own business and to be busy! Why did we pack up two puppies and drive 4 hours to Walla Walla? For this lovely family! They asked if I would take their family’s pictures and deliver their new puppy! It was so much fun to watch these four lovely faces light up when they first saw their sweet Bella.



Back to puppy life – night times are getting worse – she is in the crate next to us but last night whined every 30 MINUTES!!! We shush her as the books say make her wait at least 2 hours before taking her out but her time frame is getting shorter not longer – Please if you have advice I would love to hear it!!!

Here is what we are doing

-No water after 7pm

-She is fed at 5pm nothing after that

-She goes out right before we put her in the kennel “for the night”  :roll

Jeff and I simply have to get some sleep – I really don’t want to resort to banishing her to the far end of the house for the night but we may have to if we can’t figure this out… 🙁


Next: Boots, Inspirational

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