I Love This
There have been times in my life when I have been short on friends…
Moving around a lot in my first 10 years of marriage made it difficult to ever feel like I was a part of any group…
Now, I have stayed put for 17 years and I am blessed with many friends – {I love this}!
I also LOVE that I live in the PNW! {I love this} place! Having lived, and experienced the beauty and history of other places this is my favorite! It is in my blood I can’t help it!
We are having an AMAZING “winter” it feels like Spring and the blooming flowers and sunny weekends are all feeding my Spring Fever!
Yes, the forecast calls for rain next weekend…
But I’m OK with that…
The flowers need some watering anyway! 🙂
Cuddle {time}
It’s {time} to get back on the bike…
No excuses! The weather is perfect and yes the dreaded {time} change has taken place…
The only good thing about “losing” that hour is that there is enough {time} in the evening to get a bike ride in!
I hope you are taking {time} to enjoy the things you {love} this week!
Next: On My Plate – Metal