What I’m Reading
Lately I have enjoyed challenging myself with the books {I’m reading}…
I am purposefully choosing books that I have either wanted to read for years or have languished on my bookshelf for years…
I have been nicely surprised by {what I’m reading}…
I love books – they are one of my all time favorite things! And I’m picky – I need a book in my hand…not an electronic gadget – I love books…When I finish one book I’m excited about the next book – sometimes I feel guilty for not cherishing the just finished book…I had just spent some serious time with it…and I do value it – I place it lovingly on my bookshelf and then I am on the next…
Yesterday the {street}s I was on varied from neighborhood, freeway, windy mountain pass and finally a dirt {street] – OK well maybe it isn’t technically a {street} if it is made of dirt and found in the middle of nowhere but that is what I have for the day!
So here I am…in the middle of the woods, without a voice, with 70 – 6th graders arriving this afternoon…
Keeping a positive attitude! Glad I don’t need my voice for my photography….
Sun is shinning here but the wind is blowing and it is COLD!! But BEAUTIFUL!
Looks like I will be able to blog this week after all. 🙂 Thanks for stopping by.