{Delicate} – Spring – the season where precious {delicate} blossoms emerge from their winter slumber…
Living in the Northwest it can be a scary time for those of us who love these {delicate} blossoms…
We wait through the dreary, damp winter with the promise of Spring and her glorious colors…and often, just when the weather has turned (we think) and the blossoms are on display Winter makes a serious reappearance with fierce rain, powerful, blossom destroying, winds and our Spring is over in the blink of an eye…
But…this year…it seems like perhaps our blossoms which are making an earlier than usual appearance are being spared…Everything in my yard is blooming, wisteria, lilacs, azaleas, dogwood and it is breathtaking!
The face I’m making is an attempt to convey my attitude about this prompt….I’m not a fan of the selfies {me} but I was happy to have a valid excuse to not set up the tripod etc and just do a quick phone selfie…
And yes, full disclosure I took about 5 before I settled on one I could tolerate…
We were on the road by 7am Saturday morning. We were headed East to see our boy at University and visit the Grandparents, niece and nephew and it turns out we also saw some old friends (girlfriends in someones case…) because it was Alumni weekend and we didn’t even realize it!
I am always so thankful for some time with my oldest! My “man-child” Because he will always be my kid but I realize he is a man now…sigh…
Our precious Grammy! She will soon be 94 and she didn’t quite grasp the concept of a “selfie” I couldn’t get her to look up at the phone for the picture but that’s OK 🙂
{Even} though we woke up 4 hours from home…
{Even} though the clouds were thick and the drizzle came and went…
We got an awesome shoot in with this beauty!
We had already rescheduled from Friday when we were rained out and we were all looking forward to the shoot so I kept hoping the weather would cooperate enough for us to get our session in…
And thankfully it did!
Here we are (my trusty assistant lurking behind the tree) trying to beat the rain and trying to make it rain daisies…It was hilarious and I can just say my assistant needs some help on his “daisy tossing” skills… 🙂
Enjoy this gorgeous sunny, spring day!!!
Next: Alive, movement