Shelly Fry Photography

First things first….

2015 – a year of new beginnings…

It seems like a perfect time to try out a new blog.  My blog this time will have more of a focus 🙂 on my photography and less on me…However, knowing who I am I’m sure I will blab about life’s ups and downs along the way 🙂

However, I will be using this blog as a format to display my 365 photography project.  My challenge this year is to take at least one photograph each and every day of this year.  I have read multiple photographers who HIGHLY recommend this activity.  Claiming that it improves their photography skills VASTLY! So, in order to keep myself motivated I will be posting the pictures here – I will not be blogging each day – So you (if there are any “yous” out there besides my faithful Mom – Hi mom!) should expect a post about 3 times per week from me.  Sometimes more, but I find I am a creature of habits and routines so if I commit to three, that will be the minimum….baring any catastrophes or world travels where there is no internet (not likely).

So day one of my photo project and my theme for the day is


I do find the need to explain that I DETEST New Years, resolutions – I feel like it just sets us all up for failure and really its just a huge marketing scheme for the workout close manufactures – having said that I think every day is a new beginning and we should take the opportunity to make the best of it.


I do resolve to do the following for the year 2015 –

  • Daily devotions – I just completed that in 2014 and I can’t imagine my life without that daily connection with my Creator! So here is to year two of daily devotions.
  • Travel – don’t know how, when, where, HOW – but I resolve to go somewhere new 2015
  • Read more – I already love reading but I find other distractions keeping me from reading
  • Learn more photography/editing skills – which includes this 365 day project – one picture with my camera every day of the year.

Thanks for joining me on this journey!



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