A Piece of Jewelry
{Piece of jewelry} I admired the brides ring last week. It is stunning…
I treasure my simple gold band…
Bought at the mall by two college kids planning to marry during Christmas break…
I don’t think I will ever have a big “rock” on my finger…
But I’m loved and it’s forever and that is good enough for me! 🙂
This beauty is a {local} girl…
In fact, I went to high school here with her dad…
One of the things I enjoy about being a {local} girl are those kinds of connections…
Memories of people and places from years gone by…
When kids grow into adults and have their own kids…
Some things about being a {local} aren’t as nice…
When fields become theaters and strip malls….
When buildings are torn down, roads are widened and subdivisions are built…
So much has changed over the years in my {local} community…
My husband calls it progress…
I’m not sure having a Walmart a mile from my house is my idea of progress…
I do value the connections to the people I have known most of my life…
I love that our kids know each other and are growing up together…
and even though their {local} community is the same as ours was – it does look, feel and act different than ours did.
I’m thankful to live where I do…
I’m thankful for the old and new friends I have in my life…
And I’m very thankful to have a job where I get to strengthen those {local} connections…
Enjoy the amazing weather God has lined up for us this weekend!
Next: I found this, emotion, fresh