Shelly Fry Photography

It’s a downer – You’ve been warned

I finished reading No Way Down and I closed the book feeling depressed and bewildered… 🙁  Sometimes I’m inspired by the triumph of the human spirit with these types of books but this one was just a sad tale of people who spent months away from loved ones, tens of thousands of dollars and for 11 of them the last moments of their lives in an effort to climb a mountain… 😯 Even some of the ones who decided not to summit, who listened to their bodies and played it “safe” ended up dying… 🙁  One who survived this climb will die a year later climbing another mountain…I simply don’t get it… 😕

In an effort to completely confuse my brain when I was 2/3rds through the book I watched Everest the movie based on John Krakow’s book Into Thin Air – So when I picked up No Way Down again I was struggling to separate the two stories in my head. 😯 and while it has been years since I read Into Thin Air I don’t remember it having such a depressing affect.  However, they both and many, many other books have the same theme – people who die climbing into the death zone…

So while I found it an interesting and quick read plan on feeling a bit blue after finishing it!

Crisp22 crisp


{Crisp} -I thought apples, chips, fall leaves, crunchy but since we are clearly in a more soggy situation here in the Northwest 🙄 I was struggling. – but then I decided to just try to take a {crisp} sharp picture of what was around me. In this case, beautiful Lewisville park. Still a bit flooded, I decided to try to include a {crisp} reflection of the covered bridge. I will be shooting a wedding at the park this summer and I can’t wait! It is such a beautiful place! I’m fortunate it is so close to home. Lucy and go every day we can. And speaking of weather…is anyone else insanely jealous of the snow back east? :mrgreen:

My Saturday Morning23 my saturday morning


{My Saturday morning}s include going to church. Every week we are always greeted with warm smiles and handshakes. Filled with family, friends, music and fellowship it is a great way to start a morning!

Negative Space 24 negative space


This is not my favorite pic of {negative space} I usually like it to be a bit more pronounced, dramatic but I liked this picture from yesterdays walk around the city – so this is what I used! I actually really like the use of {negative space} in my photographs – here are a few more.






I don’t know what this week holds for you but I hope you can begin it with a positive attitude and enthusiasm!  😀

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