When someone calls and asks for me to photograph them I do a happy dance! I didn’t know Shelby but I knew I would like her the minute she told me she wanted to go to Powell’s Books for part of her Senior Session. 😀 A woman after my own heart!
If there was sound with the above picture you would hear the individual behind me repeatedly say that he was calling the police and not to move because they were on their way! Fortunately Shelby was able to ignore him and we just did our thing 😆
With a quick change into some fun polka dots and few shots on the street we headed to nearby Forest Park – I love PDX!
Thank you Shelby! Have an awesome remainder of your Senior year!
Sweet Tooth
My {sweet tooth} is currently out of control! YIKES! I gotta dial it back!
A Keepsake
WOW!!! 😯 Already 100 days into this project! Time flies! I like to bring home {keepsakes} from my adventures. But I guess my favorite and most cherished {keepsakes} are my photographs 😀 It is the best way I have of capturing the memory and keeping it with me forever.
Starts with P
Playful Pup {starts with P} The grass has grown tall near the dog park and she loves running through it! It’s so fun to watch her fun/hop so she can see where she is headed.
Take time to laugh today! Besides just feeling good I just read one laugh burns 6 calories! 😀
Next: The same, 3