Old School
{Old School} – What does that even mean? Surely it only refers to the time before my birth…
I find it disturbing that many things I remember would most definitely be classified as {old school} – rotary phones, remoteless/black and white TV, typewriters, letter writing, waiting…
We are living in a very inpatient world – which is being nurtured through the advancement of technology…making anything {old school} not only outdated but something to be scorned, despised because it makes us WAIT!!!
I admit to having a magnet on my fridge which reads “patience is such a waist of time!” 🙂 So don’t think for a minute I’m immune to all this speed and ease of access. I find it terrible convenient…
I love to {walk}…
I go for walks all the time..
I love to{walk} for exercise, I love to {walk} to explore, I love the freedom of walking…
Freedom from traffic, finding parking spots, one way streets…
I love the freedom of exploring a narrow trail or staircase or alley…
I will/have walked in the heat, blowing cold, snow, pouring rain…
But today I’m just not up for it…
I had planned on taking my camera to my favorite walking trail at Lewisville Park…
It is gorgeous there! And normally even a rainy gloomy day like today would not dissuade me…
But I’m sick…
I never get sick…
But it seems I am so I have given in. I have been fighting it all week and I have lost…
So my {walk} picture is an effort to capture the pouring rain from my bedroom window…
Words to hold on to:
When a train goes through a tunnel and it gets dark, you don’t throw away the ticket and jump off. You sit still and trust the engineer. Trust God today no matter how dark your situation. God says, “you are coming out!” –via Pinterest