While Friday February 27th was their actual 75th wedding anniversary, we gathered as a family and celebrated on Saturday…
We gave them a box filled with {paper}cards and notes from loved ones – people they had touched through-out the years…
They have been such a blessing to so many and it was such a joy to watch them read their {paper} notes, receive the love and in general, just enjoy the attention.
Since I had posted the celebration on FB we even spent some time reading to them their electronic congratulations…
I really worry more and more that their will be a generation that will never experience the joy of a box full of {paper} letters, cards, pictures, treasures…
I googled longest marriage in US and it is 83 years! So they still have a ways to go!
My Passion
For a long time I simply didn’t know how to answer the question – “what are you passionate about?” I never felt like I had any extreme attachments to a particular hobby, collection, item…
It actually worried me…I just assumed I had commitment issues when it came to hobbies and was simply unable to commit to one particular thing in such a way that would qualify me as {passionate} about it…
But then I began to realize I do have passions… {my passions} are-
- Family
- Friends
- Travel – adventure/explore/discover
- Photography
- Reading
Those would be my top 5…and I’m happiest when I can combine all 5 at a time…its possible you know…:)
What are your passions? Are any of them in your life in a meaningful way? I would like to suggest that having {passion} for something without the opportunity to enjoy whatever that is would leave a pretty big hole in your heart…
Take time this week to find and enjoy something you are passionate about!
Next: {Bokeh} and {A Sound} – no idea how to do that…
2 thoughts on “Paper/My Passion”
I love your passion list and I share them! I also love that you are blogging! I enjoy it greatly!
Love your blog. –jeff