Saturday Morning
Saturday Morning…
In my early years Saturday was the BEST morning for cartoons…
Then{Saturday Morning}s became the morning I wore my prettiest dress and headed to church…
Then {Saturday Morning} became the morning I dressed up and went to hang out with my friends at church…
Then {Saturday Morning}s became the most stressf_ul morning of the week when I had two babies and myself that I was trying to get out the door looking all polished and perfect…
Now {Saturday Morning}s are much calmer… but the common theme is it is our family day.
Our day to attend church, be with family/friends and enjoy the blessings of a break from the normal routines found in the rest of the week.
Somewhere along the line I realized I had come to value {Saturday Morning}s. I was thankful to have a day a week set aside that was different from all the other days. Our Creator knew we were designed to need rest and He designed us to take a break every 7th day.
On My Table
Pretty low key around here on Sunday. We didn’t have any meals around the table. I don’t currently have a center piece and my table is out of the way enough it doesn’t even get piled on with junk or laundry. So Sunday’s picture is of snicker-doodles cooling on my counter… close enough I say!
I remember making or trying to make snicker-doodles as a kid…I was doing something horribly wrong and they would turn out hard as ROCKS every single time! Thankfully these are perfect 🙂
Words of Wisdom from the Great Dr. Seuss:
“Think left and think right and think low and think high. Oh, the thinks you can think up if only you try.”