Shelly Fry Photography

An Arrangement/Cherish This

An Arrangement

{An Arrangement} could be an agreement I have with someone…I absolutely love an organized, tidy, producing garden! {An Arrangement} I have with my garden is that I will plant, fertilize, water, weed, admire and it should produce to my hearts content!

{An Arrangement} how something(s) are organized – like a bouquet of flowers, or books on a shelf, canisters on a counter or plants in a garden…
The weeds seen in the picture are certainly not part of my arrangement! And happily they are now gone…

{An Arrangement} a way to organize something or someone…
This I do a lot as a photographer…
Asking people to stand here, look there, fix their hair, clothes, kick up a heal, kiss, place a ring/bouquet in such a way to take a pretty picture…

Truly there is almost more arranging than photo taking in my job!

I Cherish This

Sorry, mushy I know…
Cherish is not a word I often, if ever use…
I would never say the words {I Cherish This} – I would say I love it or admire it…

Is Cherish an old fashioned word?
It is beautiful…
Somehow to me it has more impact, but it also sounds mushy…

But if I were to assign something in my life this word it would be my relationship with my hubby!

Every once in awhile I end up reading a book because I see it everywhere and hear about it everywhere so I assume it must be worth the read…and then sadly, find myself reading a book that has hooked my curiosity but really not a book, if I had known, I would read…

Girl on a Train was that book for me.  
It was full of unhappy marriages and cruel, sad people and to top it off a unhappy ending…
The only thing I got from it was a deep sense of thankfulness that I am blessed with a marriage to a good man and yes I cherish him!

Next: My Favorite Time of Day, Nature
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