Shelly Fry Photography

Oops time to catch up!


I was completely distracted with my family and it didn’t even occur to me that I had missed a blog post on Friday until Sunday evening 🙄 So I’m a bit off schedule – Today I am just going to catch up on my 365 Project and Wed I will share the beautiful Ermshar Family’s photo session.


329 baking


One of the many things that really impressed me when I met Jeff (he was 18) was that the boy could cook!  😉 Thankfully that has not changed! The night before Thanksgiving he suddenly decided he wanted to make scalloped potatoes. He never has before, but he just got a hankering to do it and headed off to the store to buy what he needed and began making his dish. This worked nicely for me since I needed a picture for my {baking} prompt 😀

On My Table

330 on my table


Thanksgiving has come and gone and their was plenty of food {on my (mom’s) table} It was such a beautiful day. We had a rousing football game girls vs boys where the girls completely dominated 😆

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Leftovers 331 leftowvers


No {leftovers} for us! My goal on Friday was to spend the day with my family! One of the things on my list was to get some family pictures taken.  Oh my word it was not my favorite shoot! It is not easy to be your own photographer!  🙄 My boys (all 3) were so patient! More on this photo session in a future post 😛




Joshua  showed his {kindness} to me in two specific ways this weekend. 1. He put the Christmas lights up on the house and they look fabulous! The other men in the house hate putting lights up. Thank goodness for Josh! Secondly, he built a cozy fire for us to enjoy!  😀

Change of Season

333 change of season


I am excited about my future post about the Smith Family – You know there has been a {change of season} when people are wrapping up in cozy blankets in between poses! Baby it’s cold outside!

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